Upcoming 2nd European Stakeholder Workshop of STARS on 17 and 18 November 2021, entitled: ” Towards a Common Strategy to Empower Academia in Regulatory Awareness and Knowledge”

STARS stands for Strengthening Training of Academia in Regulatory Science. The STARS consortium consists of the majority of the national competent (health) authorities (NCAs) in Europe and the European Medicines Agency. This coordination and support action is funded by the European Commission (Horizon 2020) and the main objectives are to strengthen regulatory knowledge in academia by reaching clinical scientists during professional training and qualification, as well as by improving the dialogue of academic drug developers with regulatory authorities.
The 1st European Stakeholder Workshop that took place in November 2020, brought together various stakeholders to identify measures and actions that would lead to an improvement of regulatory support for academia. Thus, a continuous regulatory training on national level in a harmonized matter, a bidirectional open-minded communication of academia with regulators and funding support for regulatory advice were identified as crucial elements in the successful collaboration of academia with regulators and as important aspects of a future strategy.
The 2nd European Stakeholder Workshop "Towards a Common Strategy to Empower Academia in Regulatory Awareness and Knowledge" will follow up on the discussions on improvement strategies for the regulatory support to academia and bridging the translational gap of academic-driven health research. During this event, an update about the developments in the STARS project will be provided. Particularly, attention will be given to the draft of the STARS Common Strategy. As a result, Stakeholders’ input will be sought for the further improvement of the document.
The information and recommendations compiled by the workshop community is expected to complement the recommendations developed so far based on the STARS activities and given in the Common Strategy. Moreover, sustainability of the regulatory support to academia beyond the STARS will be discussed.
Academic researchers involved in drug development or representatives of funding bodies who are interested in participating in the workshop can send an email to coordinationstars@bfarm.de.
For more information, see the STARS-website.