Photo Dirk Verwoerd, Muntgebouw

Date: July 6th, 2017
Time: 14:00-21:00
Location: Muntgebouw Utrecht (Leidseweg 90, Utrecht, The Netherlands)

RSNN workshop ‘Beyond the current clinical endpoints’
The RSNN is happy to invite you to the Regulatory Science Network Netherlands workshop ‘Beyond the Current Clinical Endpoints’ on the 6th of July 2017 at the conference centre ‘de Munt’ in Utrecht, the Netherlands. The workshop will take place between 13:30 and 18:15. The Workshop will be opened by Bert Leufkens, in his role as Chairman of RSNN. Afterwards, you are invited to a dinner accompanied by stimulating speeches.
More information on the workshop and the programme can be found in this invitation.
You can register for the workshop here. Please register on time as the number of participants is limited.
RSNN newsletters
The newsletters from the Regulatory Science Network Netherlands (RSNN) have been published. Read them here and become a member of the network.